Monday, May 14, 2012


Everyone wants a smooth, clear complexion.  Not everyone chooses to wear makeup to cover those unwanted blemishes.  Well here is an article that I think you will find informative.  I have found these six (6) foods that you can put in your grocery cart to help you achieve the skin you desire!  You can thank me later.

TomatoesTomatoes contain a powerful antioxidant called lycopene.  Not to be confused with LIPOSENE LOL.... Lycopene may be responsible for helping protect the skin against sun damage.  Although studies have not entirely come to this conclusion, tomatoes are packed with lycopene and it is worth a try!  Lycopene is best absorbed by the body when cooked or processed.  A good example would be ketchup, tomato paste, and tomato sauce.  Raw tomatoes are not as effective.  Lycopene is a safeguard for your skin against harmful UV Rays.  Lycopene is also fat soluble which basically means if it is mixed with something such as eggs and olive oil, it is absorbed more easily. 

Red Meat.  Red meat is rich in zinc and protein.  Although it is high in cholesterol and saturated fat, recent studies suggest red meats may be better for treating acne better than antibiotics.  To produce collagen, your skin needs amino acids, glycine, and proline and the mighty fabulous red meat contains both!  Both amino acids and glycine!  These amino acids can also be found in seafood, kidney beans, raw oysters, cottage cheese and cabbage. 

Green Tea.  It's strong antiflammatory and antiaging effects are powerful because of it's high concentration of catechin compounds.  That was a mouthful...In other words what I am trying to say is that green tea protects the skin from sunburns and UV associated with skin cancers.  Side Note:  Research also suggest that drinking 1 cup of green tea twice a day over the course of 6 months may actually reverse sun damage and reduce any problems with redness and broken capillary veins.  I will try this because I don't no if you ladies have the same problem I have, but those veins in my legs are ugly!  And to avoid a costly surgery that most likely your insurance would not cover because it is cosmetic, it feels good to know that just drinking some $2.00 green tea twice a day would rid me of this horrific look is worth trying!!

Green Beans.  Green beans help your hair grow thicker and they also help you grow healthier nails.  Green beans is one of the richest sources in silicon, yes you read right...not silicone.  Bet you thought you ladies with small tops was going to get you some big boobs by eating green beans huh!  lol  Researchers say that at least 10 mg of green beans a day is adequate for thicker hair and healthy nails.  Well if you are like me and you don't like green beans, I can't stand the smell of them, you can actually get your silicon fix from volcanic waters such as Volvic which contains 14.5 mg per liter.  If you are like me you have never heard of such water and you are like what the heck kind of water is that.  You learn something new every day.  I wouldn't just throw this info out there without telling you what it is and where you can get it.  Actually this water comes from volcano rocks.  Seriously!  It emerges from the volcanic ecosystem.  Go to Walmart's website and type in Volvic water.  You can get 12 1.5L for around 40 bucks!  Yea kinda steep huh! 

Walnuts.  Walnuts are high in Omega 3-s.  If your concern is redness, swelling, blotchiness, acne breakouts, or wrinkles, then walnuts is your answer.  Walnuts are naturally anti-inflammatory, they can help seal moisture into your skin, and protect your skin from chemicals and other toxins.  In addition to walnuts, almonds, olive oil, and flaxseed have the same nutrients. 

Yogurt.  Yogurt is a natural probiotic which simply means it helps replenish bacteria in your body and keeps yeast in check.  Well you say, what does yogurt have to do with face?  I am glad you asked...Yogurt helps in dealing with acne breakouts, eczema, and dandruff.  When choosing yogurts, choose the low-fat and low-sugar yogurt since sugar causes inflammation.  And if you are allergic to diary, go for a probiotic supplement instead. 

Well I hope this was information that will help you achieve that beautiful, smooth, and clear skin that you no longer have to wish for.  Give these foods a try the next time you go shopping.  Remember to go back to this blog and give your thoughts and comments.  As always, consult with your physician if you have any doubt about trying these items. 

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