Sunday, September 21, 2014

"11 Ways to Avoid Wrinkles"

  1. Wear sunscreen.  Use sunscreen with at least a SPF15.  Apply 30 minutes before sun exposure.  It also protects your skin from harmful zinc and titanium oxide as well.
  2. Look for anti-aging creams/products.  You want to look for the ones that thicken the skin and reduce wrinkles.
  3. Avoid sun exposure.  Wear light colors, wear a hat when outdoors, and avoid tanning booths.
  4. Avoid pollutants.  Smoke and gasoline fumes are just a few pollutants that cause wrinkles.
  5. Avoid smoking and second hand smoking.
  6. Sleep on your back.  Sleeping on your hands or pillow with your face pressed against it can turn those lines to wrinkles.  Also use a satin pillow.  Not only are satin pillows great for the skin but for the hair too.
  7. Use a good moisturizer.  It softens the skin.
  8. Avoid stress.
  9. Smile not frown.  
  10. Exercise regularly.
  11. Eat the proper foods avoiding processed foods and sugars.  They contain chemicals that will cause your skin to age prematurely.  Eat at least 8-10 servings of fruit daily and drink plenty of water.   

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Creating the Perfect Wardrobe

  1. Wear clothes that flatter YOUR shape.  Notice that I capitalized YOUR.  Sometimes it takes someone's unbiased opinion to help you choose what fits your body.  If you are unsure, a friend's advice can help you achieve your goal of looking great.  Also, trying on different styles of clothing and taking pictures is a big plus!  Pinning different outfits with you showing various styles and outfits on Instagram and Pinterest and asking others which looks better A or B is definitely a new way of getting a friends input that may not be with you.  And if you just love to take pictures like me it's a way to meet new people and see what they are thinking about different styles.  I am totally a SOCIAL MEDIA addict!  Another way to know for certain if an outfit looks good on you is....wait for it.... to simply look in the mirror.  I know you are look I didn't think of that lol!  But to be honest looking in the mirror before you purchase something or leave the house is a MUST.  OAN...I am talking about a Full Length Mirror.  Have you ever asked yourself, "I wonder did they look in the mirror before they left the house looking like that?"  You don't want the next person to ask that about you..Do you?  I'm sure you don't.  
  2. Stick to classic cuts.  Most of the time classic looks are based from effortless style.  What I mean by that is those classics can get you that job you have been wanting, that man you have had your eyes on, that position you've always wanted, etc.  Dressing in the latest trends just means you follow the latest fashion news and you probably spent a lot of time on that outfit.  Don't get it twisted...nothing is wrong with that but classic looks will last for years.  The latest trend may be hot this fall and so yesterday next fall.  An example for women, ruffle blouses, have been the trend for some time now but they were non existent for awhile.  Compared to the white classic button down shirt.  For men, an example of a hot trend now would be the skinny jeans.  Who knows how long this fad would last.  Loose fitting jeans will always be classics for men.  I really could go on and on.
  3.  Choose neutral colors and bold accents.  Muted colors include tan, black, white, denim/navy blue, and gray.  Accent colors include most shades of red, many shades of blue, plum/eggplant purple, golden yellow, and emerald green.  Be weary of greens and yellows.  As far as oranges, you may want to avoid because they are sure to be out of fashion.
  4. Avoid busy prints, textures, and tiny prints.  Busy prints and textures such as fuzzy, fluffy, feathered fabrics can quickly make an outfit look outdated and unstylish because they tend to be more of a fashion for one season or two and the next season will be another pattern.  Look effortlessly stylish for decades not months!
  5. Buy strategically.  You can make inexpensive clothes look expensive, but sometimes investing in actual expensive clothing is not a bad idea.  Classic pieces such as the cashmere sweater, wool, or leather coat, can take your wardrobe up a notch.  Having a limited number of nicer items is sometimes more preferable than to have a large number of cheap looking items.  
  6. Create an interchangeable collection.  You  want to create a wardrobe where all the pieces match each other.  This will let you get dressed based on comfort, style preference, or weather conditions, instead of being limited by color or style combinations.  
  7. Take care of your clothes.  No stains, holes, loose threads, wrinkles, etc.  Keep your clothes clean and folded.  Store them correctly and do basic maintenance such as adding a button that may have popped.  
  8. Get your items tailored.  Most famous people and models look stylish because their clothes fit them so perfectly.  It's like that dress or outfit was made especially for them.  Most likely it did not come from the store like that.  They have a tailor right there to fix any imperfections.  I suggest you look for an inexpensive tailor shop in your area.  Some department starts offer their services as well, one of them being Burlington's Coat Factory in my area.  
I hope that this article peaked your interest in finding the right clothing for you.  If you want to see more fashion tips and much more subscribe to this blog and click the "Like Button"  on the Facebook link on this blog.