Saturday, December 29, 2012


Ever just washed and your hair and you still see dandruff and you rewash it and YES IT'S STILL THERE!!!  That has happened to me numerous times.  Well I have some tips for you.  You may not even have to step out the house, these products may be all in your kitchen! 

First off I want to say that adding more vegetables and fruits to your diet contributes to less dandruff.  Spicy and greasy foods help dandruff to increase and spread. 

A mixture of coconut oil and lemon juice with apple cider vinegar to your hair is an effective treatment for dandruff and furthermore, it will make your head smell good.

Washing your hair with rubbing alcohol gets rid of dandruff.  It also makes your hair soft and clean.

Rubbing rosemary oil or olive oil and crushed rosemary leaves into your scalp and letting it sit for about 15 minutes will also help eliminate dandruff.

Rubbing pure coconut oil in your hair daily will help eliminate dandruff.  Using this method, your dandruff should be gone in a few days. 

Lastly but certainly not least, apply 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar and 1/2 water to the scalp and let it dry. 

Try these tips and let me know what you think.  So far this is doing wonders for me. 

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